Eri Saikawa
Emory University / Emory University
Eri Saikawa, PhD, is an Environmental Scientist at Emory University who Conducts interdisciplinary research on the environment. She has worked on various projects that cover: 1) atmospheric chemistry (modeling aerosols and tropospheric ozone); 2) environmental health (assessing the adverse health impacts of air pollution); 3) biogeochemistry (modeling global soil nitrous oxide emissions and quantifying soil GHG/ammonia fluxes); 4) climate science (estimating emissions of non-CO2 greenhouse gases), and 5) environmental policy/politics (analyzing the impacts of environmental standards and trade as well as analyzing policymaking processes). She serves as an MPI for the ECOLECTIVOS project.
Fun fact: Dr. Saikawa is a Ham Radio operator and her husband competes in the Ham Radio Olympics.
Eri Saikawa, PhD, is an environmental scientist at Emory University who conducts interdisciplinary research on the environment. She has worked on various projects covering: 1) atmospheric chemistry (aerosol modeling and tropospheric ozone); 2) environmental health (assess adverse health impacts of air pollution); 3) biogeochemistry (modeling of global nitrous oxide emissions from soil and quantification of GHG/soil ammonia fluxes); 4) climate science (estimates of non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions), and 5) environmental policy/policy (analysis of the impacts of environmental regulations and trade, as well as analysis of policy-making processes). policies). She is the Principal Investigator of the project. ECOLECTIVOS together with Dr. Thompson.
Curious fact: Dr. Saikawa is an amateur radio operator in which her husband competes in the Amateur Radio Olympics.
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