“Acuerdo Gubernativo Número 164-2021 Reglamento para la Gestión Integral de los Residuos y Desechos Sólidos Comunes”
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This report has been prepared to address the plastic industry’s claims that chemical recycling, also...
Chemical Recycling: A Dangerous Deception, Beyond Plastics
This report has been prepared to address the plastic industry’s claims that chemical recycling, also known as “advanced recycling,” can play a significant role in reducing global plastic pollution. The science and data currently available do not support this claim and actually point to the conclusion that chemical recycling would support expansion of plastic production, […]
Reducción de Plásticos San Pedro La Laguna
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Plastic wrappers and parcels that start off in Americans’ recycling bins end up at illegal...
Amazon Packages Burn in India, Final Stop in Broken Recycling System
Plastic wrappers and parcels that start off in Americans’ recycling bins end up at illegal dumpsites and industrial furnaces — and inside the lungs of people in Muzaffarnagar.