La Universidad de Emory reúne ciencia, arte, tecnología y diseño para brindar experiencias educativas y culturales de primer nivel. Estos eventos y exposiciones, atractivos e interactivos en partes iguales, están diseñados para inspirar la pasión de los jóvenes por nuevas ideas y áreas de interés, dotándolos de resiliencia, empatía y comprensión ética
Planetary Health and the Humanities Conference
Spring 2022 Planetary Health and the Humanities Conference Program Location: Texas A&M Hotel and Conference Center, Hullabaloo Room This event is free and open to all. Registration is required by March 27; please use this form. Information about travel, hotels, and the Bryan-College Station area can be found here. Event Poster Speakers’ Abstracts and Bios
U.S. National Institutes of Health. Webinar on Advancing Environmental Health Equity Through Implementation Science
Panel 2: Evidence Based Prevention and Interventions. March 2022.
U.S. National Institutes of Health. Partnerships for Environmental Public Health (PEPH) Webinar on Plastics and Human Health. July 2022.
Household air pollution (HAP) from solid fuel combustion is a major contributor to air pollution and poor health. In low- and middle-income countries, household waste burning, especially of plastics, is a major but unaddressed environmental and health hazard in countries that lack infrastructure to properly dispose of waste.